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Tabitha's is always grateful for our incredible community's donations. Without them, we wouldn't exist.

By supporting our initiatives, you are directly contributing to improving the lives of those in need.


Join us in making a positive impact and spreading warmth and hope!

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Anything Helps!
We wholeheartedly believe each item of clothing will find it's way to the person most in need.

front of maineville

Donate Clothes

Our drop off location is located at

373 E. Foster-Maineville Rd, Maineville OH
(formerly known as Little Miami Panthers Maineville Elementary).

At any time, we have a donation bin available once you drive through the chain link fence.

Please leave items in a garbage bag (no loose items) and put them in the bin. We really appreciate the donation of clothes that are not damaged, stained or torn.

The bin is emptied daily.

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